Our Contribution and Approach

Learning and training method

kZoomi’s Proactive Swimming is a program that stimulates haptic perception: voluntary action through touch and propioception. It is aimed to educate, reinforce and maintain basic postures in each stroke, acting as a structuring backbone of an economically effective technique that protects musculoskeletal and emotional health.

Its use is recommended for beginners, as well as in the development, maintenance and improvement of swimmers and triathletes' level in competitive and high-performance stages.


Passion, dedication and sensivity for this sport, as complex as fascinating, as well as long-term observation of human's common behaviours in water during learning, competitive and high-perfomance stages, have encourage the analysis, creation and application of kZoomi’s Proactive Swimming method and products.

It should be noted that this method is encompassed by a larger idea, a model which takes inspiration from sources such as psycopedagogy, psycology, teaching, biomechanics, biology and other various sciences related to the acquisition and training of aquatic abilities, always bearing in mind the values associated with human emotions.

In this way, the method intends to work as a useful tool in the teaching process, anticipating common postures that restrict performance and causes infamous injures such as Swimmer's Shoulder. The adequate use of these materials, under the guidelines we will propose, along with a touch of fundamentally positive emotion, will take you to a level of ability and aquatic adaptation in accordance with your objectives and expectations. Our proposal to this sport, which we take more as a duty, stems from implicit common sense which is inevitably expressed.

We are creating aids to cut down on the waste of energy while in the water and balance your strenghts to enhance propulsion and minimize resistance. Water moves when applying pressure. Optimization of your propulsive areas, appropiate attack angles, the use of no more than the necessary force, opportune sensivity stimulation, colocation and maintenance of the rest of body segments, synchrony and harmonization of the body as a unit, will result in better propulsion, making training more enjoyable, more emotionally constructive and leaving and indelible mark in your brain. Our purpose is to try to open new lines of research which redound in a greater benefit for society in general, the true recipient of all breakthroughs, creations and practical science efforts.

J. Bonal Pedrón

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